제목LDA 란 2018-04-27 10:37
작성자user icon Level 10


Nonlawyers are authorized in California to prepare legal documents if properly registered as a legal document assistant. Paralegals acting under the supervision of a lawyer need not register, but those working independently must. An LDA must have a minimum level of education and post a bond against errors they might make in the course of their work.


To be eligible to apply for registration under this chapter as a legal document assistant, the applicant shall possess at least one of the following:

    1. A high school diploma or general equivalency diploma, and either a minimum of two years of law-related experience under the supervision of a licensed attorney, or a minimum of two years experience, prior to January 1, 1999, providing self-help service.
    2. A baccalaureate degree in any field and either a minimum of one year law-related experience under the supervision of a licensed attorney, or a minimum of one year of experience, prior to January 1, 1999, providing self-help service.
    3. A certificate of completion from a paralegal program that is institutionally accredited but not approved by the American Bar Association, that requires successful completion of a minimum of 24 semester units, or the equivalent, in legal specialization courses. 변호사 협회에서 허가 받지 않은 기관은 최소한 법무사 교육을 24 세메스터 유닛을 공부해야만 신청 자격이 있다.
    4. A certificate of completion from a paralegal program approved by the American Bar Association. 미국변호사 변호사 협회에서 허가 받은 학교에서 법무사 수료자.




California's Business and Professions Code requires the name, business address, telephone number, registration number, expiration date of the registration, and county of registration must be included on any advertisement for an LDA and on any documents an LDA prepares.

경고: 가주 법에 의해서 어떠한 광고를 기재시 광고내용에  ㄱ) 법무사 이름, ㄴ) 사업체주소, ㄷ) 전화번호, ㄹ) 법무사 등록번호, ㅂ) 유효기간, ㅅ)등록된 카운티를 반드시 기재를 해야한다.(5가지)

본드번호는 기재할 필요없음 




A legal document assistant cannot practice law. Typically this means they cannot advise a customer as to which documents they need or the effectiveness of any particular document. They are only able to help completing or drafting documents. Many LDAs are also paralegals or notaries.