MCLE Requirements

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) – As of January 1, 2016, Business & Professions Code §6402.2 dictates that all Legal Document Assistants (LDAs) and Unlawful Detainer Assistants (UDAs) shall complete 15 hours of continuing legal education courses during the two year period prior to renewal. An LDA/UDA attempting to re-register is now required to attest to the fact that this education requirement has been completed.

The Asian American LDA Organization (AALDA) is the Asian statewide professional organization for LDAs and UDAs. AALDA will be a California State Bar approved MCLE vendor, and has always required its members to obtain continuing legal education in order to maintain membership edibility.

All MCLE activity must relate to legal subjects. By becoming a member of AALDA, you will have access to many opportunities to fulfill these new mandatory requirements.

AALDA affords its members the opportunities to earn MCLE credits by attending our annual conference, our monthly seminars, as well as monthly teleconference classes. Local AALDA Chapters also often offer MCLE sessions that are available to local members. AALDA offers these events to provide all members the ability to meet continuing education requirements while also facilitating networking opportunities for LDAs.

AALDAs educational curriculum contains classes that are designed to meet the various needs of its members, ranging from introductory-level courses through more advanced, specific topics for each area of law. AALDA also offers its members non-MCLE courses in small business marketing and development to help increase business revenue.